About Me

After many years of thinking and soul searching, I would like to invite you to join my journey. Please help me find the answers I have not yet found and allow the ones I have to enlighten your life. Many people rebelled against religion, some for ideological reasons and others for emotional reasons. I was raised religious and wanted to run away; I failed. I am deeply connected with a religion and it came through deeper understanding rather than vice versa. I still disagree with many people who share my faith as to the correct motivations for our religion. I am as anti-religion as a religious man can get. I believe religion is the root to all evil.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

How can you find your self?

My statement to religious people; Your “I” is so important to you that you use so much energy and resources to secure it. Did you research and confirm that you are properly serving your “I”? Or did you accept something with “blind faith”? If you answer the latter, why are you neglecting yourself? If there is a G-d who programmed you he either gave you the tools to find yourself or doesn’t want you to know what you are. If G-d wants you to have blind faith then why would he care which religion you choose? A religion which demands blind faith and condemns those who choose another blind faith is hypocritical. I reject all such religions since it goes against the very cure of my “I” in this current reality. Such religions say that the “I” was placed into a reality where it can’t find itself. If that is true I should commit suicide to enter a reality where I could better understand myself.
If you want to remain in this world and be comfortable with you “I”, you must believe that it can be protected based on logical understanding.

My statement to atheists; you may not know G-d but you know your “I”. You know it is beyond anything science understands. You know it will continue. Don’t give up on understanding true reality because some preachers make no sense. The preacher’s mistake is they have “blind faith” which leads them to believing things that are completely illogical. Be better and find the real truth instead of giving up and saying there is none.

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