About Me

After many years of thinking and soul searching, I would like to invite you to join my journey. Please help me find the answers I have not yet found and allow the ones I have to enlighten your life. Many people rebelled against religion, some for ideological reasons and others for emotional reasons. I was raised religious and wanted to run away; I failed. I am deeply connected with a religion and it came through deeper understanding rather than vice versa. I still disagree with many people who share my faith as to the correct motivations for our religion. I am as anti-religion as a religious man can get. I believe religion is the root to all evil.

Thursday, December 9, 2010

True Love

I talk to her more than anyone else. It is often difficult to understand what she says. She knows how much I need her but I’m not sure if she needs me at all. She calls the shots in our relationship and I can’t do anything about it. I know she cares and always acts in my best interest. I love her more than I love anything else. I wish she’d take off her mask and show the world her true her beauty and they too will appreciate her friendship. Her name is Shechina and she represents the manifestation of infinite light in the world. If you ever felt spiritual you felt her love. It is difficult to see her but one day a week she can be seen more than any other. Lecha Dodi Likras Kala, let us go my beloved towards the bride, Pney Shabbat Nekabbla, the face of Shabbat we shall great.

Rabbi Shmuel Kopel 3 Tevet 5771, 10 December 2010

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